Lesson# Boston marathon. The end

I due sospetti attentatori della maratona di Boston sono stati fermati dopo una caccia all’uomo di 24 ore: si tratta di due fratelli kirghisi di origine cecena, in America da quasi 10 anni. Con loro avevano ancora ordigni rudimentali e ieri sera la polizia li ha individuati dopo che hanno ucciso un poliziotto al MIT, per poi darsi alla fuga. Il maggiore è morto in una sparatoria nel corso della giornata, il minore è stato trovato stamattina e si è arreso, dopo ore di ricerca casa per casa. Non è chiaro ancora perché avrebbero commesso la strage, ma è probabile che il fanatismo islamico e nazionalista del fratello maggiore sia stata la causa scatenante.

Watertown people thanking the police

Watertown people thanking the police

The nightmare of Boston city finished yesterday at the sunset (this morning in Italy): now both the two suspects of the Marathon bombing are in police’s hands, one dead and one alive. The two are the 19-year-old Dzhokar Tsarnaev and his elder brother Tamerlan, 26. They moved in US from the Russia’s North Caucasus republic of Dagestan with a Chechen passport (but before they lived in Kirghizistan with their family): Tamerlan arrived in 2006, Dzhokar in 2002 and then become an American citizen. He was attending the University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth. The manhunt was 24 hours long: it begin the night before at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology near Boston. There the two killed a MIT police officer, Sean Collier, while he was sitting in his car. “For no obvious reason”, officials said. “The Tsarnaevs then hijacked a vehicle, telling the driver they were the marathon bombers – after they released him -, and hurled explosives at the pursuing officers” (CNN). Then a gunfire took place in Watertown, near Boston, where Tamerlan was deadly injured. Dzhokar, wounded too, could run away on foot. All day long federal, state and local authorities went door-to-door searching him: they found Dzhokar hiding on a boat stored in a backyard on ­Franklin Street (someone had seen blood spots and called the police). After some shooting, FBI made him surrender and captured him alive. He was brought at the hospital.

Now the question is why. Maybe Tamerlan Tsarnaev was “an aggres­sive, possibly radicalized immigrant who may have ­ensnared his younger brother — described almost universally as smart and sweet — into an act of terror”. “In 2011, a foreign government asked the FBI for information about Tamerlan ­Tsarnaev, based on information that he was a follower of “radical Islam,” the bureau said in a statement Friday” (Boston Globe).

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